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Paws for Ukraine lorry arrived

Susie Phillips

Our Paws For Ukraine lorry full of donated animal aid has arrived safely and the team were overwhelmed with the amount we had sent and very thankful. They filmed some of the unloading and thanked us for the items we had sent.

We want to say a huge thank you to everyone involved in this including all the collection points, local charities companies who donated, volunteers both human and furry who helped with the packing, moving to storage and palleting up.

Of course, none of this would have been possible if Dale Brothers Ltd hadn’t agreed to help us to get the fabulous donations to where needed. An anonymous donor is paying for the lorry, so any money donated was used to purchase items that went on to the lorry before it left. PDM produce stepped in and sorted out the customs clearance and also got 5 pallets of pet food to help fill the lorry.

Chris the driver who adopted Chester from us as a kitten 3 years ago, had his friend Greg as copilot on the awesome journey. They were very excited and so pleased they were taking the lorry full of animal aid on it's journey to help the animals of Ukraine.

They set off from Hortonwood, Telford on Monday 18 April at 4am and by midday they were through customs and on the French open road. They made great time and delivered the donations of animal aid at 2pm local time to Foundation ADA’s warehouse in Fredropol on Wednesday 20 April.

Here is a link for a video and Facebook post Foundation ADA put on their site of the delivery and unloading. It is lovely to see our donations arrive and their message of thanks.

It’s amazing that within 5 weeks of getting confirmation we had a lorry to transport donations we had collected, packed and it had been delivered. This is an awesome achievement and we couldn’t have done it without everyone’s support and donations; whether through dropping them off at collection points, donating money or via the Amazon wish list you all made this possible, thank you.

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