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Please Help Us Set Out Events For 2023 
By completing the survey below you can help us ensure we have a full and exciting program of events at our shelter for you to enjoy in 2023.

Help Us Set Up Our Events and Activities For 2023
Have you attended one of our open days?
Would you be intersted in talks or workshops about Cat Care?
Are you interested in attending a Open Day? If yes which day would you prefer? (you can select more than one option)
What subjects would you like to be covered? (you can select more than one option)
When would suit you best for attending talks or workshops? (you can select more than one option)
Would you prefer talks to be virtual or in person?
Would you be interested in bringing your children along for Book Buddies sessions? This is where the children come along and read to the cats. It is beneficial for both the children and the cats. Please note parents/guardians need to stay with children. (you can select more than one option)
Would you be interested in childrens workshops which teach cat care in exciting ways like creating animations?
Would you be interested in volunteering at our events?
Can we contact you via email about upcoming events?

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. We really appreciate your input. Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey.

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